Step 4: Construction Begins!

After your Design Session, we will place orders for all your materials and kick off construction. This is the most exciting time for us! A lot happens each week on your construction site...

I signed off on my place and Design Selections weeks ago. Why does it look like the construction site is empty?

After you sign off on your plan and approve all Design Selections, we get to work immediately ordering all materials. At this time, we also have to receive all the proper documentation from the locality in order to begin construction, including building permits, soil samples, and an engineered foundation. This process takes anywhere from 3-5 weeks, and we do not make exceptions to this process. Once we receive all approvals and construction materials, you will see work commencing on your construction site.

Is the six-month timeline guaranteed?

While the construction process only takes about 6 months of work, any bad weather (rain, snow or hail, extreme wind, and extreme heat or cold) will delay the process by that amount of days. Additionally, any shortages of materials will also cause delays. We typically tell homeowners that building your house can take anywhere form 6-9 months for these reasons.

When can I visit my house?

You can walk through your house with your superintendent during the Pre-Drywall walkthrough and final Walkthrough. Your superintendent will reach out to you directly when it is time to schedule those walkthroughs. Our insurance company does not allow you to visit the construction site without a team member, so please refrain from walking the construction site on your own.

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